Name | Miguel Carrasco |
Label | Associate Professor | | |
Phone | 123-4567 |
Url | |
Summary | Associate Profesor, Faculty of Enginering an Science |
2024/09 - Present -
2023/03 - 2024/09 -
2020/01 - 2021/01 -
2018/01 - 2020/01 Head of the Information Engineering Department
Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez
Faculty of Engineering and Sciece.
2014/03 - 2018/01 Academic Director of Master of Science in Engineering in Information Technology, Faculty of Engineering and Science
Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez
Faculty of Engineering and Sciece.
2013/03 - Present -
2012/03 - 2013/02 Founder of the Computer Vision Laboratory. Escuela de Informática y Telecomunicaciones, Faculty of Engineering
Universidad Diego Portales
School of Telecommunications & Information Technology
2009/08 - 2013/02 Assistant Professor
Universidad Diego Portales
School of Telecommunications & Information Technology
2021/08 - 2023/05 Online program
International Engineering Educator, ING.PAED.IGIP.
Innova HiEd Academy, affiliated with IFEES
Engineering Educator
2012/11 - 2013/01 Paris, France
2008/01 - 2010/04 Paris, France
Docteur en Informatique
Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Institut des Systèmes Intelligents et de Robotique
Computer vision
2004/08 - 2010/04 Santiago, Chile
Doctorado en Ciencias de la Ingeniería, mención computación
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Computer Science Department
Computer Science
2002/03 - 2004/04 Santiago, Chile
1997/03 - 2004/04 Santiago, Chile
- Dic, 2024
Best Teacher Award of the Master in Data Science, Faculty of Engineering and Science.
Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez
- Jun, 2024
Best Teacher Award of diploma on Data Science.
Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez
- Jan, 2024
Outstanding Academic Performance of the Faculty of Engineering and Science.
Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez
- Dic, 2023
- Nov, 2023
- Dic, 2021
Best Teacher Award of the Master in Data Science (cohort 2019/3), Faculty of Engineering and Science.
Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez
- Dic, 2012
Best Faculty Teacher Award of the Faculty of Engineering.
Universidad Diego Portales
- Dic, 2012
Best Teacher Award of the Escuela de Informática y Telecomunicaciones, Faculty of Engineering.
Universidad Diego Portales
- Dic, 2011
Best Teacher Award of the Escuela de Informática y Telecomunicaciones, Faculty of Engineering.
Universidad Diego Portales
- Dic, 2010
Teacher Leadership Award of the Faculty of Engineering.
Universidad Diego Portales
- May, 2010
Doctoral dissertation received the highest honors (mention très Honorable).
University Pierre et Marie Curie, UPMC - Paris VI (France)
- Dic, 2007
Best Paper Award on Computer Vision and Application
Pacific-Rim Symposium on Image and Video Technology, PSIVT
Internacional Engineering Educator, ING.PAED.IGIP (austria) | ||
innovaHiEd | 31/12/2023 |
Plan de Formación de Transición para Pares Evaluadores de Procesos de Acreditación de Posgrado | ||
Comisión Nacional de Acreditación, CNA | 1/01/2022 |
Human Computer Interactions |
Data Science |